即将召开的《不扩散核武器条约》的审议会议是冷战后第一次对该条约进行审议,是与会各国在政治上、外交上的一次重大较量,因而受到国际社会的广泛关注。 审议会议除了审议条约的延期问题外,还将面临全面禁止核试验、对无核国家的安全保证、核裁军、停止生产武器级核物质、无核区,加强国际原子能机构核查措施及和平利用核能等问题。 条约的延期审议将面临三种选择,即无限期延长、有限期延长或几个连续时期的延长。审议作何选择并能否取得成果,有赖于缔约国各方能否作出必要的妥协。
The forthcoming review of the NPT will be the first conference to review the treaty since the end of the cold war and a major political and diplomatic trial of strength among the participating countries,thus drawing extensive attention from the international community.
In addition to the treaty's extension,other issues such as total ban on nuclear tests ,secu rity guarantee to non-nuclear countries, nuclear disarmament,cease of production of nuclear materials for weapons, nuclear-free zones, strengthening of IAEA verification and peaceful use of nuclear energy are expected to be considered at the meeting.
It will be decided at the. conference whether to extend the NPT indefinitely,for a fixed period of time,or for a series of fixed periods. However,necessary compromises among signatory states will be essential for the success of the NPT Review Conference.
International Studies