欧盟运行一年来,在推进欧洲一体化方面作出了巨大努力:改善经济环境以加速走出经济衰退的困境;采取措施以推动经货联盟目标的实现;协调外交政策增强同美争夺欧洲事务主导权的地位;进行军事合作,加强欧洲共同防务;接纳新成员,壮大欧盟总体实力。 尽管欧盟在前进中遭遇到重重困难与阻力,但联合毕竟是大局和大势所趋。估计欧洲在联合的道路上,将有一些新的试探。
In the past year the EU since its inception has exerted great efforts in promoting integration by improving eco- nomic environment to speed up its pace to free itself from economic recession,adopting measures to realize monetary union,coordinating foreign policies to strengthen its position in a rivalry with the U. S. for a dominating role in the European affairs,engaging in military cooperation to reinforce joint defence of Europe,and admitting new members to increase the comprehensive strength of the EU.
Although the EU is still confronted with difficulties and obstacles on its way to progress, the integration is an irreversible general trend. It is possible that the EU may explore new approaches on its way to European integration.
International Studies