海湾战争、冷战的结束改变了中东地区的政治力量配置,也为国际局势的变迁提供了新的契机。本文将要讨论的主要问题是,当这个极不稳定的世界走向21世纪的时候,中国应该如何看待中东的局势,如何处理她与中东国家的外交关系。 一、海湾战争后中东的政治格局 1991年的海湾战争既是中东地区矛盾长期演变的结果,也反映了冷战突然结束所带来的地区力量失衡。以海湾战争为标志,中东地区的形势至少发生了以下一些变化:
The end of the Cold War and the eruption of the Gulf War facilitated the realignment of the forces in the Middle East on the one hand, and provided China with a good chance to develop its ties with the countries in the region on the other hand. The establishment of Sino-Israeli diplomatic relations and China's active participation in the multilateral talks on the Middle Eastern peace indicated the futher development of the relations between China and the Middle East. However, in view of the Middle East's importantly strategic position, its rich oil resources and its close links with China's security and stability, China must look ahead on the 21st century, cool-headedly consider its ties with the Middle East and formulate a long-term Middle East diplomacy strategy.
West Asia and Africa