柏林印度艺术博物馆“吐鲁番藏品”中克孜尔出土木质佛像风格研究[印]查雅·巴塔恰尔雅著杨富学译柏林印度艺术博物馆中的吐鲁番藏品 ̄①系1902-1914年间由两位著名的考古学家──格伦威得尔(Grnwedel)教授和勒柯克(AvonLeCoq)博士通过四...
In the Turfan collection,Museum fr Indische Kunst,West Berlin,there are thir- teen standing figures from Kizil,among them five are carved and the rest are painted. So far as the seated Buddhas are concerned,eleven are carved. There are five rectangu- lar panels and a fragment of a combined mandorla and aureole on which seated Buddha figures are painted. After a detailed investigation of the the Buddhist figures,I think that there are fea- tures which are typical of Kizil and can be named as Kizil style. Kizil’s individuality can be seen in the features,viz. the postures of the figures;the mask-like face,lacking the facial expression;eye-corners near the nose,are slightly projected and draw with paral- lel lines,recalling the shape of a bottle-neck;cowrie shaped eyes;nose shown by parel- lel lines;lips with corners turned up;the palms,fingers and toes of the painted Bud- dhas;ray-like folds of garment on the shoulders of the seated Buddhas;coil-like folds around left arm and the frill-like terminal stave underneath the forearm:the double- folds shown in the case of the painted Buddhas,standing;the thrones with lotus and high pedestals with double cushions. and rhomboidal repetitive motifs in front,the flameboyant mandorlas and the elongated mandorlas combined with round aureoles.
Dunhuang Research