mong the Stein, s collection, Tibetan document Fr. 80 is 15. 5 centimetre inlength, 16 cm in breadth with 11 lines in the Tibetan. A British scholar Thomas was theearlest one to explain the docurnent. The article on the explaination was published in the'Journal of the Royal Aoiatic Society' in 1927. Latter it was compild into Vol. 2, Ti-betan Literary Texts And Documents Concering Chinese Turkestan (1951). Overall Fr.80 was cited by A Franch Scholar Demieville in the book , Le concile de Lhasa (1952).He disagreed with Thomas in sorne points of view. Chinese Scholar Jiang Boqin also cit-ed Fr. 80 document in the his article , The Corvee Server's Uprising at Shazhou Yuguanas Seen in the Hand Written Copy of Dun Huang `Epistles' of the Tang Dynasty.Based on the studies of the previous scholars, arthor of this article, rewrote andtranslated the document and identified Pho brang Von cang do (温江岛宫),To dog rtserje(都督节儿) ,Khrom (节度使/节度衙),Rje blas (上司) ,Bkay blon Btshan bzher (噶论·赞热)and so on. Having Compared Fr. 80 document with S. 1438V `Epistles' ,the arthor sugested that Fr. 80 document in Tibetan and S. 1438V `Epistles' was writ-ten by the same writer. Times and contents on some events were basically conform witheach other. i. e. from the second year of Jianzhong(建中二年,781) after Shazhou beingseized by Tibetan for the first tinie to the sixth year of Zhengyuan(贞元六年,790).During this period , the Chinese rebelled several times with the result of suppresions andbeing promoted to peace later.
Dunhuang Research