

Asia-Pacific Region: Relationship of the Multi-angle and the Five Parties
摘要 亚太地区客观上存在5大政治力量,即中国、美国、日本、俄罗斯、东盟。此外,还有其他一些国家或力量。亚太各国存在很大差异,也有很多共同利益;既有广泛合作,也有分岐与矛盾。这种基本状况,很大程度上成为各国制定对外政策的出发点。鉴于5大政治力量在亚太地区占有重要地位,它们之间形成什么样的关系,发挥什么样的作用。 The relations between China, USA and Japan constitute the most important triangle in the various relationship among Asia-Pacific countries. It is a kind of unbalanced triangular relationship developed on the basis of US-Japanese alliance with cooperation and competition as well. It is currently in a relatively good condition of development. Today there exists no threat posted by one side to the other in the Chinese-Russian-American triangle, and the relationship between China and Russia is more stable than that between China and USA and that between Russia and USA, for they are closely related on geopolitical, economic and security matters. Now it is time for the three parties to abandon the thinking and practice prevailed in the Cold War period to establish a friendly cooperative relationship. The relationship between Russia, USA and Japan has significantly improved, and in which detente has replaced confrontation. But there are still some obstacles to the further development as USA and Japan have still some unesiness about Russia and the problem of Four Nothern Islands remains unsolved between Japan and Russia. Asean, while maintaining good relations with all the big powers, keeps certain distance from them so as to create a mechanism of mutual containment and balance of power. In the Asia-Pacific region, the relationship of mutual interdependence and mutual containment among China, USA, Japan, Russia and Asean will in the end form a certain kind of balanced and relatively stable political structure, which will contribute to the prevention of the emergence of some dominating force and promoting peace and development in the region.
作者 郑寅
机构地区 复旦大学世经所
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第10期2-9,46,共9页
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