一、改善中美经贸关系有利于两国经济的振兴 在冷战后的世界格局中,美国和中国都面临振兴本国经济的历史性任务。克林顿总统在1992年的总统竞选中获胜,说明他所提出的用积极行动振兴美国经济的主张得到多数美国选民的认同,愿意给他一试身手的机会。
In the post Cold War period, both America and China are lacing the historical task of invigorating their respective economies. Better Sino-U.S. economic and trade relationship will bring substantial benefits to the economies of both countries and contribute to their revitalizad'on. Now that China's open policy is all-round without any obstacle to a closer economic tie with the United States, it is up to the Clinton Administration to surmount ideological divergence, adopt correct policies towards the mainland of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and lead Sino U.S. economic and trade relations to a healthy and steady development.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies