在中国80年代出现了一个王朔。在短短的十余年间,他独领风骚,出了四卷本的《王朔文集》,在中国文学界引起了一场沸沸扬扬的评说。不管是褒还是贬,是臧与否,王朔作为一种现象,是值得作理论上深入的研究,并由此而得出实事求是的、符合实际的结论的。我读到了雪莉儿·吴顿(Sheryl WuDunn)发表在《纽约时报图书评论》上的文章。她把王朔比喻作美国作家杰克·凯鲁亚克(Jack Kerouac)。她作为外国人。
In a comparative perspective, the author analyzes the socio -economic and ideological scenarios of American society in the 50s and Chinese society in the 80s and 90s that give birth to the writers of the Beat Decade and Wang Shuo of China. The author comes to understand that there are similarities as well as differences between them: the leading characters of their fiction are all anti heroes, sharing the same free for all outlook on life and a lack of belief in anything but easy pleasure though Kerouac's anti heroes are other-worldly and Wang Shuo's are worldly. The author concludes that they are all sub cultural phenomena with but secondary literary and aesthetic importance.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies