Ten outstanding athletes and ten ordinary university students were tested under progressively increased work load exercise to study the changes and the correlation of cardiac endocrine and cardiovascular function during exercise by using radioimmunoassay to measure atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in plasma, together with using echocardiography to measure cardiac function. The results showed that the heart was not only the part which produced and releaved ANF, but also one of the target organs which ANF acted on. Therefore, the increase of sympathetic nervous stimulation, heart rate, blood pressure and the blood flow returning to the heart during exercise gave rise to increase of the production and releave of ANF in the heart, which resulted in the elevation of ANF level in plasma. The feedback of elevated ANF level acted on the heart and inhibited sympathetic nervous stimulation. This effect was caused by the decrease of sympathetic nervous stimulation through high intensity endurance training for a long time. Endurance athletes displayed low heart rate ahd athletic low blood pressure at rest. The decrease of sympathetic nervous stimulation which resulted in low heart rate and low blood pressure may be responsible for the fact that the ANF level of outstanding endurance athletes in plasma was lower than that of ordinary university students.
China Sport Science
atrial natriuretic factor in plasma, radioimmunoassay, echocardiography, endurance athlete