The authors pointed out that in condition of high RH, pollution air and outdoor, the corrosion of Amillary sphere and Aoridged Amilla is a dynamic accelarated corrosion. The complex environment and the remaining of the patina increase the complexity of protection technology. It is imposible to realize effective protection by using common materials and technologies. So, authors of this paper synthesized N, N-di (Benzotriazol-Methylene ) Lauryl Amine to compound synergistic inhibitor cluster,and synthesized Methacrylate resin modified by organosilicon to compound seal agent with synergistic stabilizing agent. With these materials and the technology of protection affer dehydration, the corrosion rate of the instruments protected with patina can reduce to lower than that of them in non-polluted air.In this paper, the authors estimate the practicability of the technology by electrochemical method,and discuss the relationship between material characters and corrosion environment,and the relationship between material characters and protection with patina according to the result of ageing test at artificial climate. The authous also research the reasons why N,N-di (Benzotriazol-Methylene)Lauryl Amine is more proper to be used in the protection of the instruments than BTA by XPS.
Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology
Outdoor bronze, Air corrosion, Protection with patina, Inhibitor and seal agent