1993年3月21和28日法国国民议会选举结果,以保卫共和联盟和法国民主联盟为主体的右翼反对派大胜,在全部577个议席中获得485席,占84%的压倒多数。执政的社会党惨败,仅得54席,左翼总共仅占93席。29日,密特朗总统任命保卫共和联盟要员、前财政与经济部长爱德华·巴拉迪尔为新总理。继1986—1988年左翼总统与右翼总理和政府“共治”之后,法国再次出现左右翼共理国事的局面。 左右翼“共治”是一种少见的奇特现象,实际上,又是奇而不怪的历史现象。
A socialist president must preside over a right-wing prime minister and cabinet.Such an arrangement is known as 'Cohabitation' in France.
'Cohabitation' is a phenomenon proper to the Fifth Republic, whose institutions offer such possibility.But one finds in the change of balance of political forces a decisive factor which leads to Cohabitation. Repeated Cohabitation during Mitterrand's presidency means also socialist administration's poor performance.
Cohabitation era as a historical phenomenon is doomed to be temporary and transitory. Cohabitation is a special form that the left-right confrontation takes. It marks the eve of a decisive battle between the left and the right, and a transition to a relatively stable political order, under which either the left or the right takes power without sharing with the other.
World History