

Inspirations from Quine's Reconstruction of Empiricism
摘要 蒯因的"经验主义的两个教条"与其《语词与对象》中的翻译不确定性论题,在哲学思想方面是一脉相承的。两者均旨在破除传统经验论的错误思想以重构经验论。破、立中始终贯穿着他从认识论和意义理论角度所论证的整体论。这种整体论由检验整体论和意义整体论组成。"经验主义的两个教条"将整体论的这两个组成部分和盘托出;"翻译不确定论题"则使意义整体论更为精制。 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism'and the thesis of indeterminacy of translation in'Word and Object'by Quine,are consistent with each other in his philosophical thought. Both aim at reconstructing empiricism by criticizing the erroneous beliefs in the traditional empiricism. Throughout his criticism and reconstruction of empiricism,there is a holism consisting of meaning holism and confirmation holism which Quine developed from the perspectives of the theory of meaning and epistemology respectively. 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism'is a manifestation of the holism with a meaning holism and a confirmation holism,while the thesis of indeterminacy of translation is an elaboration of meaning holism.
作者 黄会健
出处 《浙江工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期88-94,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology:Social Sciences
关键词 蒯因 两个教条 翻译不确定性 经验论 重构 整体论 Quine two dogmas indeterminacy of translation empiricism reconstruction holism
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  • 1Pierre Duhem(1906). The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory[M]. Translated From the French by Philip P. Wiener. Princeton University Press, 1954.
  • 2W V O Quine. Two Dogmas of Empiricicm in from A Logical Point of View[M]. Harvard University Press, 1953.
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  • 5Laurens Laudan. Grunbaum on"The Duhemian Argument" [J]. Philosophy of Science,Vol. 32,1965.
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  • 8[2]Miller, A.: Philosophy of Language, UCL Press,1998, p. 114.
  • 9[6]发表于 The Philosophical Review LXV. no. 2. pp. 41~58; 重印于 Readings in Philosophy of Language, Engle-wood Cliffs: Prentie Hall, pp. 81 ~94.
  • 10[7]Quine, W. V.: Pursuit of Truth, p.94.









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