4The UK National Archives. UK Government Web Archive captures official tweets and videos[EB/OL]. http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/news/929.htm.
5Federal Records Council. Social Media: A Federal Case Study [ EB/OL].http://www.archives.gov/records - mgmt/training/raco/2011/raco 11-barth.pdf.
6NARA Social Media Records Management Assessment Released [ EB/OL ].http://archivesoeial.eoin/blog/nara - social -media -records -management -assessment -re- leased. NARA. Guidance on managing social media records [ EB/OL!.http://www.archives.gov/records -mgmt/bul - letins/2014/2014-02.html.
7NARA. Expanding Acceptable Transfer Requirements: Transfer Instructions for Permanent Electronic Records [ EB/OL l.http://www-archives.gov/records -mgmt/ initiatives/web-content-records.html.
8NARA. NARA 2014-04: Appendix A, Revised For- mat Guidance for the Transfer of Permanent Elec- tronic Records Tables of File Formats-Web Records [ EB/OL ].http://www.archives.gov/records -mgmt/policy/ transfer-guidance-tables.html#webrecords.
9NARA. White Paper on Best Practices for the Cap- ture of Social Media Records [EB/OL].http://www. archives.gov/records-mgmt/resources/socialmediacapture. pdf.
10State of North Carolina - Social Media Archive [EB/ OL ].http://nc.gov.archivesocial.com/.