2012年全球用于纺织品的纤维使用量增加4%,为9 000万t。其中化学纤维使用量增加7%,达5 800万t,占纤维总用量的65%;棉花使用量下降3%,为2 500万t,占纤维总用量的28%;除棉花外的植物纤维的使用量也降至500万t以下,为纤维总用量的5%;羊毛使用量约为115万t(洗净毛),占纤维总用量的1.3%;丝使用量为65万t,占纤维总用量的0.7%。
World fiber use in textile products increased by 4% in 2012 to 90 million tons. Man-made fibers grew 7%to 58 million tons,65% of fiber use. Cotton declined 3% to 25 million tons,28% of fiber use. Vegetable fibers other than cotton declined to less than 5 million tons,5% of fiber use. Wool use was about 1. 15 million tons clean weight,1. 3% of fiber use. Silk accounted for 0. 7% of fiber use,about 650 000 tons.
Melliand China