The processing technology of various metals is one of the human civilization's outstanding contributions. There are various kinds of traditional metals' processing techniques in China and it is the casting technique that is being used widely and developed deeply. Archaeological excavation and relics study have proved that, in ancient China, the base of the splendid bronze culture is the foundry technique while the base of foundry technique is the clay mold materials' treatment. In this paper, through the study of the present traditional clay mold materials' treatment, the analysis of the ancient documents and the examination of the unearthed clay mold samples, it explores briefly the technical origin of clay mold materials' traditional treatment and reveals the scientific intention of ancient and traditional clay mold materials' treatment.Several results are described as follows:1. According to different clay mold casting methods, there are two kinds of casting techniques at present, traditional clay mold casting and traditional lost wax casting. The ingredients of clay and other materials are various in China's different areas, but the main materials are similar: clay, plant ash, pulp, grog, animal excrement and hair. The scientific ingredient is one of the most important technical bases to produce fine design, thin wall and complex shape vessels. For example, the thickess of the iron caldron wall in China's southern-east rural areas is only 0.5 ~0.8mm, and meanwhile, the religious sculptures and vessels produced by traditional casting techniques are rather wonderful.2. In the view of ancient documents and test results of ancient clay mold materials, it could be concluded that the present traditional clay mold materials' treatment method stems from ancient clay mold materialls treatment method. The method, to add plant ash and other formal materials into clay material, is the main way to reduce the shrinkage and thermal accumulation coeffcient of clay material, improve the filling ability of alloy, solve casting flaws such as immersion gas pocket, shortrun and diffcult cleaning. It is this unique technique that brought about the brieeiant achievements of China,s clay mold casting for several thousand years.
Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology
Technical origin Traditional clay mold Ancient clay mold