手纹具有显露人体遗传记号的特征,因此为挑选运动员提供了皮纹选材的可行 性.对广东少儿运动员皮纹选材的研究,可为今后运动员选材提供皮纹学参数。研究结果揭示, 广东少儿运动员皮纹特征为:(1)手指各种纹型出现率顺序为斗型(W)-尺箕型(Lu)-弓型 纹(A)-桡箕型(Lr),弓型纹(A)出现率高于普通人群,并有非常显著差异。(2)在田径和 篮球项目的运动员中双箕斗(W)出现率较其它项目高, 男子乒乓球,女子游泳运动员出现的弓 型纹(A)较其它项目的多。(3)广东少儿田径、足球和篮球运动员atd角小于其它项目的运动 贝.(4)广东少儿运动员的大鱼际和小鱼际的真实花坟出现率男子低于女子.
The lines of the hand possess characteristics to manifest hereditary marks of the human body, hence providing the feasibility of the selection of sportsmen in terms of dermatoglyphics. The research in the selection of sportschildren in terms of dermatoglyphics in Guandong can provide dermatoglyphic parameters for the selection of sportsmen in the future, It has been revealed in the research results that the dermatoglyphic features in sportschildren in Guangdong are as follows:(1) The sequence of the occurring rate for various patterns of fingerprints is whorl(W)-loop ulnaris(Lu)-arch(A)-loop radialis, among which the rate of appearance in the arch pattern is higher than the awerage population with very notable diversity.(2) The rate of occurrence for the double whorls is relatively higher in track and field athletes, and football and basketball players than in sportsmen specilizing in other events,(3) The atd angle is smaller in juvenile participants in track and field, football and basketball than in those in the rest of events in Guangdong,(4) The occurring rate of the real patterns of the thenar and hypothenar is lower in sportsboys than in spnrtsgirls in Guangdong.
Journal of Guangzhou Sport University
sportsman the average population fingerprint paimprint characteristic