
广东省男大学生体质因子结构的研究 被引量:2

A Research in the Constitution Factor Structure of Male University Students in Guangdong Province
摘要 体质是指人体的质量,它是人类一切价值实现的物质基础。在以往的体质研究中,多进行单个指标的分析比较,很少考虑某一指标对体质的影响程度,以及各指标之间的相互关系。运用R—型因子分析法,从体质的整体角度出发,对广东省1991年和1995年19-22岁男大学生所作的因子结构研究,揭示了大学生体质指标线性组合的规律。因子分析结果显示:城乡男大学生体质因子结构中主因子的组成和排序表现出很高的一致性。表明城乡里大学生体质状况具有较高的一致性和稳定性。分析结果还表明身体形态和运动素质指标在体质主因子中的显著作用,对体质的影响最大,但城乡男大学生在身体形态和运动素质的某些指标存在一定差距。本研究为我国普通高校体育教学改革和大学生体质的深入研究和发展战略提供了理论依据。 Constituion, which refers to the body's quality is thematerial foundation for human beings to realize all values. In the past,constitution has bcen lnore often studied by comparing and analyzing singleindices, and little considcration has been shown for the extent of the effectof a certain index on the constitution, or for the interrelations betweenvarious indices, Dy means of analyzing the R-type factor, and from theintegrative angle of constitution, researches are conducted in the factorstructures in male college students aged nineteen to twenty-two in 1991 and1995, and brought to light is the law for the linear combination of constitutionindices in university students. It has been demonstrated in the analysis offactors than vcry high consistcncy appears in the composition and arrangement of the chief factors in urban and rurai collegc boy students' constitution factor construction, txrhich reveals that the state of constitution isrelatively consistent and stable in male university students from the city andthe countryside. It has also been rnanifested in the outcome of the analysisthat the physique is the most greatly affected by the striking function ofthe indices for the body shape and sports fitness. However, there exisits acertain gap in some indices for the body shape and sports fitness betweencollege boy student from town and country. The present research suppliestheoretical basis for common institutions of higher learning in our country intheir through study of and developing strategy for the teaching reform inphysical education, aducation, and the physique in university students.
作者 张琴 廖爱萍
出处 《广州体育学院学报》 CSSCI 1996年第3期71-76,106-107,共8页 Journal of Guangzhou Sport University
关键词 大学生 体质 因子结构 因子载荷 主因子贡献率 university students, constitution, factor structure, factor loading, the main factor, contibution rate
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