音乐剧是西方主流戏剧的主要组成部分,地方戏曲在中国拥有最深厚的群众基础,两者有许多相近之处:它们都是一种大众戏剧,都熔歌、舞、剧于一体,有很强的娱乐性与通俗性。 两者的区别在于,音乐剧产生于西方商业社会,是典型的都市文化,艺术手段灵活多变,重视视听效果的整体呈现,追求观赏性与商业效益的一致。地方戏曲有很浓的乡土气,程式化程度较高,观赏价值更集中于演员的技艺表演。
The musical plays an important role in Western mainstream theatre; local operas have the largest adience in China. The two have many similarities: both of them are a form of popular drama , which combines songs t dances and plays. They are highly entertaining and popular.However, they are also different in some respects:the musical is a product of the commercial society in the West and it is a typical form of metropolitan culture,which is rich in artistic techniques,pays great attention to the audio - visual effects and is equally entertaining and profit- oriented. The local operas are rich in local flavours, stylized and largely dependent on the techniques and skills of actors.
Theatre Arts