文明是人类历史发展到一定阶段上产生的社会进步的现象。在马克思主义的历史科学中,文明的起源及其本质的问题是一个重要的研究课题。革命导师恩格斯在这方面,曾经作出了巨大的贡献。 从19世纪以来,人类学家、历史学家、考古学家和文学家的著作中常常涉及到“文明”的术语。但是,明显的倾向是把“文明”与“文化”两者交互使用。文明与文化两个术语往往意指同一的事情,但是又不完全是同一的概念。“文明”一词源出于拉丁语Civis(“
Based on certain tenets proposed by Engels in his'Origin-of the Family, the Private Ownership and the State 'and on archaeological finds made in Egypt, the article makes an exposition of the social - economic basis of which the Egyptain civilization was born. And based on the discovery and use of letters, on symbols of the royalty, on the emergence of cities and city - states and their contention for hegemony, the article concludes that the Egyptian civilization arose about in the mid-40000s B.C.
Historiography Bimonthly