
普惠计算之十二要点 被引量:9

A Dozen Essential Issues of Computing for the Masses
摘要 三十年前IBM个人电脑批量上市,大大推动了计算机的普及。今天的计算机科学领域已经与三十年前大不一样了。什么是今后三十年计算机科学领域最大的本质挑战?它会推动什么样的基本性范式变革?最关键的产业问题是什么?最需要突破的科学问题是什么?本文提出普惠计算(以全民普及为目标的计算机科学研究和应用)以回答这些问题,并阐述普惠计算的十二个要点,即普惠计算针对计算机市场发展停滞的本质挑战而提出,它是今后三十年的基本趋势,具备高增值、低成本、可持续三个特征,其最显著的范式变革是人机物三元计算,最关键的产业问题是昆虫纲悖论,最需要突破的科学问题涉及三元计算科学、通用计算账户、高效海网云平台、信息生态系统、国民信息核算五个支柱。本文为计算机科学的科研选题和产业创新勾画机遇空间,并简要介绍相关的变革性前沿研究工作。 Thirty years ago,the invention and volume shipment of IBM PC significantly enlarged the user population of computing.For the next thirty years,what is the most fundamental challenge of the computing field? What paradigm shift is needed? What is the most significant industrial problem? What are the most needed scientific breakthroughs? This article addresses these questions by discussing a dozen essential issues of computing for the masses.The most fundamental challenge is the computing market's growth stagnation.Computing for the masses is proposed to reverse this trend and should be a fundamental future direction.It has three features of value-augmenting,affordability,and sustainability.The most basic paradigm shift is human-cyber-physical ternary computing.The most significant industrial problem is the Insecta Classis paradox.Computing for the masses needs five pillars of science support,including ternary computing science,universal compute account,efficient sea-network-cloud computing platforms,information ecosystem science,and national information accounts.This article helps outline the problem space for future computer science research,with a discussion on related transformative research projects.
出处 《集成技术》 2012年第1期20-25,共6页 Journal of Integration Technology
基金 中科院先导研究专项“海云计算系统关键技术与系统研究”(XDA06010400) 广东省引进创新科研团队计划资助。
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