近年来,物联网(Internet of Things,IoT)产业受到许多的关注,世界各国均视其为潜在无限商机的高科技产业,并投入大量的资源从事研发与推广。由于物联网的应用非常广泛,且透过物联网技术人类得以提升生活质量,让生活更加便利,因此,本论文首先简介物联网的背景及应用,并介绍其基本概念与架构。接着,本论文以「无线感测真菌人文树道」为例,针对物联网技术应用于人文艺术领域进行说明,并详细叙述其所使用到之各项软件、韧体及硬件技术,透过真菌的感测、无线通信及异质网络连网功能的设计,使真菌网络成为物联网在人文艺术应用的一个重要典范。
Recently,the Internet of Things(IoT) technology has attracted more and more attention.This is because the IoT technique can be widely used in a variety of applications,such as smart grid and intelligent transportation,healthcare,art,logistics,environmental monitoring and life.Today,the development of the IoT has been considered as one of the key technologies for improving the quality of daily activities of people.This paper firstly introduces the background and applications of the IoT and depicts the concept and architecture of the IoT.Then,this paper further presents the design and implementation of the Mushroom Networks,including the software,firmware and hardware designs.Several IoT technologies have been applied in the implementation of the mushroom node,including sensing,wireless communication and heterogeneous networking,making the Mushroom Networks to be a typical example of the IoT applied in art and culture domain.
Journal of Integration Technology
internet of things
wireless sensor networks(WSN)
art and culture