1Michael J. Gerhardt Thomas D. Rowe, Jr. ,Constitutional Theory Arguments and Perspectives,The Michie Company Law Publishers, 1993. P.129. PP. 354.
2Christopher Wolfe, How to Read the Constitution,Originalism, Constitutional Interpretation and Judicial Power, Rowman & Litlefield Publishers, Inc.1996. pp. 20.
3Keith E. Whittington. Constitutional Interpretation, University Press of Kansas, 1999. p. 3.PP. 2.
4Joseph Story. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. Vol. , Boston: Hilliard and Gray,1833. pp. 436-437.
5Ralph A. Rossum G. Alan Tarr, American Constitutional law-structure of government, 5edition,Wadsworth, Group/Thomson Learning, Belmont,1999, pp. 5.
6Walter F. Murphy & James E. Fleming & Sotirios A. Barber, 1995, pp. 395.
7Walter F. Murphy & James E. Fleming & Sotirios A. Barber, American constitutional interpretation, Foundation Press, Inc. 1995. pp. 390.PP. 410.