The 1.3 GHz superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) technology is one of the key technologies for the ILC and future XFEL and ERL projects in China. With the aim to develop 1.3 GHz SRF technology, IHEP has started a program to build an SRF Accelerating Unit. This unit contains a 9-cell 1.3 GHz superconducting cavity, a short cryomodule, a high power input coupler, a tuner and a low level RF system. This program also includes the SRF laboratory upgrade, which will permit the unit to be built and tested at IHEP. The unit will be used for the 1.3 GHz SRF system integration study, high power horizontal test and possible beam test in the future. In this paper, we report the recent R&D status of this program. The first large grain low-loss shape 9-cell superconducting RF cavity made by IHEP reached 20 MV/m in the first vertical test in July, 2010. The prototype tuner and low level RF (LLRF) system are under test. The high power input coupler and cryomodule are under fabrication. Several key SRF facilities for 9-cell cavity surface treatment and pre-tuning were successfully commissioned and are in operation.
The 1.3 GHz superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) technology is one of the key technologies for the ILC and future XFEL and ERL projects in China. With the aim to develop 1.3 GHz SRF technology, IHEP has started a program to build an SRF Accelerating Unit. This unit contains a 9-cell 1.3 GHz superconducting cavity, a short cryomodule, a high power input coupler, a tuner and a low level RF system. This program also includes the SRF laboratory upgrade, which will permit the unit to be built and tested at IHEP. The unit will be used for the 1.3 GHz SRF system integration study, high power horizontal test and possible beam test in the future. In this paper, we report the recent R&D status of this program. The first large grain low-loss shape 9-cell superconducting RF cavity made by IHEP reached 20 MV/m in the first vertical test in July, 2010. The prototype tuner and low level RF (LLRF) system are under test. The high power input coupler and cryomodule are under fabrication. Several key SRF facilities for 9-cell cavity surface treatment and pre-tuning were successfully commissioned and are in operation.