In this paper we study the structure coeficients of collective pairs with spin zero and spin two (SD) in a number of configurations by a few realistic nuclei. We investigate the robustness of these structure coeffcients with respect to different configurations and the evolution of SD-pair structure coeffcients with valence nucleon number.
In this paper we study the structure coeficients of collective pairs with spin zero and spin two (SD) in a number of configurations by a few realistic nuclei. We investigate the robustness of these structure coeffcients with respect to different configurations and the evolution of SD-pair structure coeffcients with valence nucleon number.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.10675081) for supporting this work
supported partlyby the Research Foundation for Doctoral Program of Higher Education inChina (Grant No. 20060248050)
the Scientific Research Foundation of Min-istry of Education in China for Returned Scholars (Grant No. NCET-07-0557)
the Chinese Major State Basic Research Developing Program(Grant No. 2007CB815000)