In strong solar light, silicon solar panels can heat up by 70℃ and, thereby, loose approximately one third of their efficiencyfor electricity generation. Leaf structures of plants on the other hand, have developed a series of technological adaptations,which allow them to limit their temperature to 40-45℃ in full sunlight, even if water evaporation is suppressed. This is accomplishedby several strategies such as limitation of leaf size, optimization of aerodynamics in wind, limitation of absorbedsolar energy only to the useful fraction of radiation and by efficient thermal emission. Optical and infrared thermographicmeasurements under a solar simulator and in a streaming channel were used to investigate the corresponding properties of leavesand to identify suitable bionic model systems. Experiments started with the serrated structure of ordinary green leaves distributedover typical twig structures and finally identified the Australian palm tree Licuala ramsayi as a more useful bionic model. Itcombines a large area for solar energy harvesting with optimized aerodynamic properties for cooling and is able to restructureitself as a protection against strong winds. The bionic models, which were constructed and built, are analyzed and discussed.
In strong solar light, silicon solar panels can heat up by 70℃ and, thereby, loose approximately one third of their efficiencyfor electricity generation. Leaf structures of plants on the other hand, have developed a series of technological adaptations,which allow them to limit their temperature to 40-45℃ in full sunlight, even if water evaporation is suppressed. This is accomplishedby several strategies such as limitation of leaf size, optimization of aerodynamics in wind, limitation of absorbedsolar energy only to the useful fraction of radiation and by efficient thermal emission. Optical and infrared thermographicmeasurements under a solar simulator and in a streaming channel were used to investigate the corresponding properties of leavesand to identify suitable bionic model systems. Experiments started with the serrated structure of ordinary green leaves distributedover typical twig structures and finally identified the Australian palm tree Licuala ramsayi as a more useful bionic model. Itcombines a large area for solar energy harvesting with optimized aerodynamic properties for cooling and is able to restructureitself as a protection against strong winds. The bionic models, which were constructed and built, are analyzed and discussed.