
Approximating probabilities of correlated events 被引量:1

Approximating probabilities of correlated events
摘要 Efron (1997) considered several approximations of p-values for simultaneous hypothesis testing. An extension of his approaches is considered here to approximate various probabilities of correlated events. Compared with multiple-integrations, our proposed method, the parallelogram formulas, based on a one-dimensional integral, not only substantially reduces the computational complexity but also maintains good accuracy. Applications of the proposed method to genetic association studies and group sequential analysis are investigated in detail. Numerical results including real data analysis and simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed method performs well. Efron (1997) considered several approximations of p-values for simultaneous hypothesis testing. An extension of his approaches is considered here to approximate various probabilities of correlated events. Compared with multiple-integrations, our proposed method, the parallelogram formulas, based on a one-dimensional integral, not only substantially reduces the computational complexity but also maintains good accuracy. Applications of the proposed method to genetic association studies and group sequential analysis are investigated in detail. Numerical results including real data analysis and simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed method performs well.
出处 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2010年第11期2937-2948,共12页 中国科学:数学(英文版)
基金 supported by the Intramural Program of NIH supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.10901155) supportedin part by NIH (Grant No. EY014478).
关键词 CASE-CONTROL group SEQUENTIAL test GENETIC association studies MAX PARALLELOGRAM case-control group sequential test genetic association studies MAX parallelogram
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