3"What is the G-20," http://www.g20.org/about_what_is g20.aspx.
4Colin I. Bradford & Wonhyuk Lim, Toward the Consolidation of the G20: From Crisis Committee toGlobal Steering Committee, Seoul: Korean Development Institute & The Brookings Institution, 2010.
5Richard Gowan, "The Obama administration and multilateralism: Europe relegated, " FRIDE PolicyBrief N^o39-February 2010, http://ecfr.eu/page/-/documents/the-obama-administration-and-multilateralism.pdf;.
7Alan Beattie, "Bric nations grow weary of G20 rhetoric," Financial Times, October 20 2010,http://www, ft.com/cms/s/O/6b2 fac fc-dc6c-11 df-aOb9-O0144feabdcO.html#axzz 1C24LpFUI.
8Alan Beattie, "Bric nations grow weary of G20 rhetoric".