

Nursing care of patients with lower extremity amputation and gas gangrene
摘要 总结分析8例严重外伤导致气性坏疽伴下肢截肢患者的护理经验,包括入院后的急救处理、消毒和隔离、心理护理、截肢残端护理、氧疗护理等。认为全面系统规范的护理能促进患者的康复,改善临床救治疗效。 Objectives:Summarize and analyze of nursing experience of patients with lower extremity amputationand gas gangrenebecause serious trauma,providingreference forclinical work.Methods:Study themanagement,nursingcare and isolationmeasuresofpatientswith lower extremity amputation and gas gangrene admitted in recent years retrospectively.Results:There were no complication formationof 8 patients lower extremityamputationand gas gangrene during hospital stay.Thewoundhad satisfyinghealing.Theycanaccept theamputationfactrationally. Conclusion:General and systematic nursing care and promote the rehabilitation of patients,improve clinical cure efficacy.
作者 吉礼玉
出处 《当代护士(下旬刊)》 2009年第8期27-28,共2页 Modern Nurse
关键词 下肢 气性坏疽 截肢 护理 Gas Gangrene Nursing Care Amputation
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