目的:研究寒冷暴露对SD大鼠学习记忆的影响,并探讨其分子机制。方法:将SD大鼠暴露于-15℃低温实验舱;采用Y迷宫进行学习记忆检测;使用ATP检测试剂盒检测大树海马组织ATP含量;Western blot方法检测蛋白AKT、ERK表达水平变化。结果:寒冷暴露6h组正确反应次数(CN)明显减少(对照组9.29±0.14,暴露组9.00±0.15;p<0.05)、潜伏期TRT延长(对照组105.57±5.48秒,暴露组143.80±4.33秒;p<0.05),ATP含量(对照组0.97±0.11,实验组0.68±0.14;p<0.05)呈现下降趋势,蛋白AKT,ERK磷酸化水平也显示下降趋势。结论:寒冷暴露可引大鼠学习记忆下降,ATP含量的降低以及蛋白AKT、ERK表达水平降低可能是其重要的机制。
Objective:To investigate the impairment of Cold expose-induced impairment on learning and memory of rats and to investigate the mechanism. Methods:Adult male SD rats were treated in the refrigerator, and the exposure temperature was -15℃ ; Learning and memory was detected by Y maze ; ATP content was detected by ATP kit; The expression of AKT, ERK was measured by Western blot. Results:Cold exposure induced significant impairment of learning and memory (the descent of correct number, CN: the increasing of total reaction time,TRT). ATP decreased; Western blot showed that the level of phosphorylated AKT and ERK decreased after the cold exposure .Conclusion: There is impairment on learning and memory of rat induced by Cold exposure, which may have relations with the decrease of ATP, AKT and ERK.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine