

Fast Mode Decision Algorithm of Inter Frame for H.264/AVC
摘要 H.264/AVC是最新的国际视频标准,与其它视频编码标准相比,其在编码效率方面有强大的优势,但H.264/AVC中编码效率的提高是以增加巨大的运算量为前提的。在介绍H.264/AVC的模式选择算法的基础上,提出一种针对H.264/AVC视频编码标准的快速帧间模式选择算法。该算法首先进行SK IP模式的提前预判,然后再进行其余的编码模式选择过程。实验结果表明,在图像质量没有明显降低的前提下,所提算法对于运动缓慢场景切换不明显的序列更加有效,编码速度平均提高了57%以上。 H.264/AVC is a new international standard for video coding and it has great advantage of coding efficiency.But the high encoding efficiency is acquired by heavy computation.This paper introduces H.264/AVC mode selection algorithms,and proposes a fast mode decision algorithm of inter frame for H.264/AVC.The algorithm detects SKIP mode in the early stage,then enters other mode selection process.The experiment results show that the proposed algorithm is more available for less active sequences,and the encoding time is reduced more than 57% with acceptable video quality degradation.
出处 《遥测遥控》 2009年第5期36-41,共6页 Journal of Telemetry,Tracking and Command
基金 国家863计划课题(2006AA701424)
关键词 H.264/AVC 帧间模式选择 运动估计 SKIP H.264/AVC Inter frame mode decision Motion estimation SKIP
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