

An Efficient Pairwise Keys Predistribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
摘要 无线传感器网络WSNs(Wireless Sensor Networks)是由资源有限的传感器节点构成的无线网络。在传感器节点间建立对偶密钥是实现网络安全通信的基础。文中提出一种基于网格结构和多项式的对偶密钥建立方案。与已有的方案相比,该方案具有较高的抗节点俘获能力、全网络连通性、较高的网络可扩展性和无通信负荷的优点。 Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs) are wireless networks that include sensor nodes with limited resources.To se-cure the sensor communication,the pairwise key establishment between the sensor nodes is essential.In this paper,we propose a new pairwise key establishment mechanism,which is based on the grid network structure and polynomials.Compared with the existed approaches,our scheme has better network resilience against node capture attack,complete network connectivity and no communication overhead.
出处 《遥测遥控》 2009年第1期41-46,共6页 Journal of Telemetry,Tracking and Command
基金 国家863项目(2006AA01Z422) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60672102)
关键词 无线传感器网络 对偶密钥建立 多项式 网格 Wireless sensor networks Pairwise key establishment Polynomial Grid
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