

Application of Delaire and Edgewise appliance technique to crossbite of labial teeth during the early permanent dentition period
摘要 目的探讨Delaire面弓与固定矫治器联合应用解除恒牙列早期前牙反的临床效果。方法选取2004—2007年就诊于江苏省泰州市人民医院口腔医学专科的32例恒牙列早期前牙反病例,应用Delaire面弓与固定矫治器进行治疗,治疗前后均采集记存模型、全景片(全颌曲面断层片)、头颅侧位片,测量图形获取相关数据,并以Downs分析法进行评判,对比其治疗前后的测量指标值。结果完成治疗的32例患者中,31例患者上颌明显向前生长,上牙弓近中移动,下颌骨向前生长明显受到抑制,下颌平面与平面未发生明显的顺时针旋转,其中30例反解除,前牙覆盖正常,1例前牙呈切对切状态。1例反复发。结论在恒牙列早期前牙反中,应用Delaire面弓与固定矫治技术,既缩短了疗程,减少复诊次数,又提高了疗效,是一种较理想的矫治方法。 Objective To determine the clinical effect of Delaire and fixed appliance in treating crossbite of labial teeth during the early permanent dentition. Methods A total of 32 patients with crossbite of labial teeth in the early permanent dentition were treated by using Delaire and Edgewise appliance. Cephalometric radiographs were taken before and after the treatment. At the end of the treatment Down analysis was used for evaluation,and the indices compared. Results Thirty-two patients completed the treatment;30 cases were completely successful with crossbite removed and normal overbite of labial teeth gained,the growth of maxilla was accelerated apparently,and that of the mandible was limited. The upper incisors and the lower molars hardly extruded. Conclusion Delaire and Edgewise appliance adopted in crossbite of labial teeth in the early permanent dentition period and shorten the treatment course and visits are reduced and therapeutic effects are significantly improved. It is an ideal orthopedic technique for crossbite teeth in the early permanent dentition period.
作者 刘建 蒋薇薇
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2009年第11期673-674,共2页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 Delaire面弓 固定矫治器 恒牙列早期 前牙反 Delaire Edgewise appliance early permanent dentition period crossbite of libial teeth
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