
基于量子理论的秘密共享方案研究 被引量:3

Study of secret sharing schemes based on quantum theory
摘要 量子秘密共享基于量子力学的特性而不是数学难题假设无条件安全地实现对信息的共享,根据分享的信息形式可以分为对量子态的秘密共享和对经典信息的秘密共享,对经典信息的量子秘密共享方案可以分为基于纠缠态的经典信息秘密共享方案和基于非纠缠态的经典信息秘密共享方案。详细介绍了量子秘密共享这3个研究方向的代表性协议和最新的研究进展,并对量子秘密共享的未来发展作了一个展望。 Quantum secret sharing(QSS) which is based on the laws of quantum mechanics,instead of mathematical assumptions can share the information unconditionally securely, according to the form of sharing information, quantum secret sharing can be divided into QSS of classical messages and QSS of quantum information,QSS of classical messages can be divided into QSS of classical messages based on entanglement and QSS of classical messages without entanglement, the representative protocols in three main branches of the quantum secret sharing schemes and its latest development were introduced, also prospect analysis of the schemes' future development was given.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第S2期127-132,139,共7页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60773135,90718007,60970140) 国家高技术研究发展计划(“863”计划)基金资助项目(2007AA01Z427,2007AA01Z450)~~
关键词 量子秘密共享 无条件安全 量子密码 量子纠缠态 quantum secret sharing(QSS) unconditional security quantum cryptography quantum entanglement
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