
上海市民对12320公共卫生公益电话的服务需求分析 被引量:4

Analysis to the 12320 Public Hotline Service Need of Shanghai Citizen
摘要 目的为更好满足市民健康需要,提高使用率提供参考。方法分析上海市19个区县2565名社区居民对12320的知晓率、使用情况和希望获得的服务内容。结果不同年龄、不同学历、不同职业人群的知晓率存在显著性差异,居民知晓率12320的途径依次为电视或电台、报纸杂志、朋友同事,不同文化程度人群对12320的使用率不同,人民更加希望从12320获得食品卫生、慢病防治和就医指导。结论12320要进一步结合市民喜好的内容和宣传手段扩大宣传,提高知晓率和使用率。 Objective To explore shanghai citizens' attitude and activities to 12320 public health hotline in order to provide information for increasing the rate of utilization and the future of 12320 hotline counseling service.Methods To analyse to the rate of awareness and utilization to 12320 hotline and the wishest services of shanghai 2565 citizens from 19 districts Results Different age or educational or occupational group has different awareness to 12320 hotline;the way that citizens aware 12320 are followed by television or radio stations,newspapers and magazines,friends and colleagues;different educational group has different utilization to 12320 hotline;more citizens want to know the knowledge of the food hygiene,chronic disease prevention and medical guide.Conclusion to increase the rate of awareness and utilization,12320 hotline should be expanded to propaganda with the contexts and methods the citizens prefered to.
作者 魏晓敏
出处 《健康教育与健康促进》 2009年第S1期7-10,共4页 Health Education and Health Promotion
关键词 公共卫生公益电话 服务需求 分析 Public health hotline Need of service Analysis
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