
无刷直流电机模型参数的频域辨识 被引量:3

Frequency Domain Identification of BLDCM Model Parameters
摘要 标准继电辨识的方法测试过程不需要独立的信号发生装置、测试过程中调速系统处于闭环状态,能够有效抑制扰动,最大限度减小测试对调速系统的影响等,但该方法辨识精度较低。针对这一问题,在对标准继电辨识方法进行改进的基础上,提出了适用于无刷直流电机的连续继电辨识方法。该方法通过两次连续的继电反馈试验,获得电机Nyquist曲线上两点的频率特性,进而推导出无刷直流电机模型参数的解析式。最后,以一个无刷直流电机实验为例,运用连续继电辨识的方法求出该电机模型的参数。仿真结果表明,连续继电辨识方法对无刷直流电机模型参数的辨识精度高,效果好。 Standard relay identification method has many advantages,such as testing without independent signal generator and testing in close-loop,however this method has lower precision.In order to improve the precision,continuous relay identification method which could be used to identify the speed adjustment system of brushless direct current motor is presented based on the improved standard relay identification method.Through two relay test,parameters of the motor model could be obtained.Finally,taking a BLDCM as an example,parameters of BLDCM model are obtained and the simulation results show that the continuous relay identification is effective and with high precision.
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第S3期154-156,159,共4页 Control Engineering of China
关键词 无刷直流电机 继电辨识 频域特性 传递函数 高阶惯性环节 BLDCM relay identification frequency characteristic transfer function higher-order inertia link
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