
低收入员工内在工作激励的个案研究 被引量:2

A Case Study on Low Income Employee’s Intrinsic Work Motivation
摘要 本文对一名普通社区自行车看守人员从事工作的内在动机进行个案研究,并从员工动机、工作特征、个体特征与工作匹配三个方面分析了该个体在低收入情形下高内在工作动机产生的原因。结果表明,良好的员工心态、合理的工作设计以及个体性格与工作的匹配对员工有非常大的内在激励作用。文章最后提出了针对企业一般员工的激励策略。 It’s practical significantly to motivate the employee with low income and little promotion opportunities. This article researches intrinsic motivation of a person who keeps an eye on the bicycles in a common community,and analyzes why he works highly encouraged intrinsically in the condition of low income through three perspectives of individual motivation,job characteristics and person-job fit. Optimistic psychology,reasonable job-design and individual character-job fit are found to have intrinsic motivation effect on employees. Strategies motivating employees are also proposed.
出处 《管理案例研究与评论》 2008年第4期1-6,共6页 Journal of Management Case Studies
关键词 激励策略 内在动机 工作特征模型 个体-工作匹配 一般员工 incentive strategy intrinsic motivation job characteristics model person-job fit staff(non-management) employee
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