This paper serves as a brief introduction to this book,which includes 21 peer-reviewed papers selected fromthe joint worksho Pof ISPRS WGⅡ/1,2,7 and WGⅦ/6 on spatial-temporal modelling,spatial reasoning,analysis,datamining and data fusion(STM 05),held from 27 to 29 August 2005 at Peking University,China.The background to thisworksho Pis presented and the developments in spatial modelling,spatio-temporal modelling,spatio-temporal analysis,andspatial reasoning and data mining are briefly reviewed and the contents of the book are introduced.
This paper serves as a brief introduction to this book,which includes 21 peer-reviewed papers selected from the joint worksho Pof ISPRS WGⅡ/1,2,7 and WGⅦ/6 on spatial-temporal modelling,spatial reasoning,analysis,data mining and data fusion(STM 05),held from 27 to 29 August 2005 at Peking University,China.The background to this worksho Pis presented and the developments in spatial modelling,spatio-temporal modelling,spatio-temporal analysis,and spatial reasoning and data mining are briefly reviewed and the contents of the book are introduced.
Science of Surveying and Mapping
the National Basic Research Program (973 program,Project Name:Multi-resource and massspatial information integration,fusion theory and real-time dynamic updating,Project No.:2006CB701304)
the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program,Project Name:Spatio-temporal database technique andits application in geographical information management,Project No.:2006AA12Z214)
the Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping,Wuhan University
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) for their funding support