广东珠三角成品油管道工程,是广东省政府和中国石油化工总公司的重点建设项目,仅经过广州番禺地段的80km中,据不完全统计,分别穿越河流、水塘、村庄等须采取水平定向钻穿越的地段就有50多处,一般埋深4~12m,最大达20多米。本文阐述了测量、物探、计算机新技术的应用,重点介绍了GPS RTK方法,列举了2个(单根和3根)深埋近间距管线的探测示例。
Product Oil Pipe Project of the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong is a important Project. In the 80 kilometers region of Panyu in Guangzhou where the Product Oil Pipe is passed through, there are more than 50 segments for crossing performance where the HDD method must be adopted for crossing river, pond and village and so on. The pipe' s depth is 4~18m in general. This paper introduce the applications of new techniques including survey and geophysical exploration and computer, and mainly discusses the method of GPS RTK surveying, and provide two examples for detecting a single pipe and a three parallel pipe of deep HDD pipe in this project.
Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying