冷战期间,1948年苏南冲突的发生为美国分化瓦解苏东集团提供了契机。在东西方贸易管制体制下,杜鲁门政府制定的N SC18/2号文件是美国对南斯拉夫经济援助政策形成的标志。利用南斯拉夫分化瓦解苏东集团,促进南斯拉夫的亲西方倾向,是美国对南斯拉夫政策的实质与特点。
During the Cold War,the conflict between the USSR and Yugoslavia in 1948 provided theopportunity for American to hasten the Eastern European countries' disintegration.Under the East— West Containment of Trade System,the Truman Administration formulated the NSC18/2,what symbolized the formation of the American Economic Aid Policy on Yugoslavia.The nature of this policy was the encouragement to the Yugoslavia' s continued pro-Western orientation,whose goal was to make the Eastern European countries split off from USSR by means of Yugoslavia.
History Teaching