《麦田里的守望者》是公认的美国文学“现代经典”之一 ,小说的主人公霍尔顿也是一个倍受评论家关注的形象。生活在分裂的两个世界中的他 ,厌恶现实社会的“假模假式” ,希望能返回理想世界寻求庇护。但理想与现实的冲突最终导致了他的精神错乱与崩溃。作者利用象征的手法揭示了人物的内心世界。这些象征建构了纵横两个系统 ,纵向系统包含了环境、人物、意象三大体系 ,横向系统借助二项对立关系营造了氛围。本文将按照这种纵横系统 ,通过考察环境、人物、意象的象征意义来指向霍尔顿的精神世界。
The Catcher in the Rye is regarded as one of the most popular modern classics in American literature, and the hero of this novel, Holden Caulfield, also attracted a lot of critics' attention as soon as the novel was published. Holden was a 16 year old boy who lived in a world that was dissociated into two: reality and utopia. He wanted to escape from reality and seek for sheltering in utopia because of the phoniness, but the fluctuation of the boundary between illusion and reality finally led him to mental disorder. Salinger delineated the inner world of Holden by symbology. This article wants to explore Holden's world by analyzing the symbolism of surroundings, characters and imagery.
Journal of Wuhan Metallurgical Manager's Institute