A single-channel (9.5 mm) airborne microwaveradiometer with one antenna is developed. The retrievalmethods and primary observation results of cloud liquidwater and super-cooled cloud liquid water are discussed. Theaircraft experiments show that the cloud liquid water andsuper-cooled liquid water can be sensitively monitored atsome level of accuracy by the radiometer. The results ofcloud liquid water content are reasonable and correspondwell with the surface radar echo intensity. The design of theairborne radiometer and its retrieval methods are feasible,giving it application value.
A single-channel (9.5 mm) airborne microwave radiometer with one antenna is developed. The retrieval methods and primary observation results of cloud liquid water and super-cooled cloud liquid water are discussed. The aircraft experiments show that the cloud liquid water and super-cooled liquid water can be sensitively monitored at some level of accuracy by the radiometer. The results of cloud liquid water content are reasonable and correspond well with the surface radar echo intensity. The design of the airborne radiometer and its retrieval methods are feasible, giving it application value.