
Electrofusion of tobacco protoplasts in space 被引量:2

Electrofusion of tobacco protoplasts in space
摘要 Electrofusion of evacuolated (N. Tabacum L. cvs. Gexin no1) and vacuolated (N. Rustic) tobacco mesophyll protoplasts was performed on the Chinese spacecraft (Shenzhou No. 4, from 30th Dec. 2002 to 6th Jan. 2003). The results showed that the frequency of bi-nucleated and mul-tinucleated protoplasts was significantly increased under microgravity. Compared with the control samples incubated on the ground, the viability of protoplasts incubated in space was much higher. In addition, the influence of altered gravity on carbohydrates was also observed. These results confirmed the effect of microgravitation on electrofusion of plant cell protoplasts. Electrofusion of evacuolated (N. Tabacum L. cvs. Gexin no1) and vacuolated (N. Rustic) tobacco mesophyll protoplasts was performed on the Chinese spacecraft (Shenzhou No. 4, from 30th Dec. 2002 to 6th Jan. 2003). The results showed that the frequency of bi-nucleated and multinucleated protoplasts was significantly increased under microgravity. Compared with the control samples incubated on the ground, the viability of protoplasts incubated in space was much higher. In addition, the influence of altered gravity on carbohydrates was also observed. These results confirmed the effect of microgravitation on electrofusion of plant cell protoplasts.
机构地区 Chinese Acad Sci
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2003年第18期1967-1970,共3页
关键词 microgravitation ELECTROFUSION VIABILITY YIELD of FUSION TOBACCO protoplast. microgravitation electrofusion viability yield of fusion tobacco protoplast
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