固有的经验和观念一方面有助于我们观察事物,另一方面也妨碍我们接受新事实。怎样走出这种两难的困扰?本文以为 “悬置”理论很值得引入新闻学范畴研究和借鉴。把各种经验和理论工具先“悬置”起来,最大限度地包容各种事实和观念,从而保持客观 事实的完整性和原真性,是保证我们的思考能触摸到事实本质的关键,也是纪实风格的新闻所追求的目标。
Acquired experiences and views contribute to our perception, while on the other hand, they prevent us from accepting new facts. Then, how can we break away from such a dilemma? This paper advocates a theory of laying presupposition aside that deserves studying and adopting in journalism. Laying aside experiences and theoretic approaches first and accepting all the facts and views to the largest extent so as to maintain their integrity and authenticity is the key to ensuring our deliberation access to the nature of objective things, and it is the goal documentary news have been trying to achieve as well.
laying presupposition aside accepting authentic things authenticity