产生错别字的根本原因,在于书写者未能把握汉字形、声、义"三位一体"的统一关系。要杜绝错别字就须从把握汉字形义 关系、形声关系、声义联系和形形联系等方面,切实提高自身驾驭汉字的能力。
<abstract>it is thought to be the primary reason for a writer to produce wrongly written or mispronounced characters by failing to master a unitive relationship-'three in one'-between the Chinese character's form, sound and meaning. To wall up wrongly written or mispronounced characters, a writer should have a full and proper understanding of the following relationships, namely form and meaning, form and sound, sound and meaning, and form and form, and ensure a good command of Chinese characters.
<keyword>Chinese character, wrongly written or mispronounced character
relationship of 'form, sound and meaning'