广西在艺术体操项目上有人才优势 ,曾先后为国家集训队、广西、外省专业队输送优秀运动员达 4 0~ 5 0名 ,广西运动员已连续 2年包揽全国艺术体操个人项目金、银牌 (包括九运会个人全能金、银牌 )。取得这些成绩的重要原因 ,是广西各级领导对业余学校的艺术体操项目给予支持和重视、以及教练员们多年来重视选材、精心训练的成果。但是 ,广西现有的艺术体操基层业余学校过少 ,专业教练不足 ,有待于各级领导给予更多政策上的扶持及经济上的支持 ,增加广西艺术体操项目基层业余学校训练点和参赛人数 ,才能保持广西艺术体操人才优势。
Guangxi has a preponderance of qualified athletes in terms of Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics (RSG) and has provided national team of athletes in training, specialized teams of Guangxi and other provinces with 40-50 excellent athletes. Two years in a row the athletes of Guangxi RSG have taken on entirely gold medal and silver medal in national individual event (including the gold medal and silver medal of individual all-around competition in the 9 th National Games). The credit for obtaining the achievements should primarily given to the leaderships' support and concern on the RSG sparetime schools and coaches' choosing of qualified personnel and painstaking training. But the number of Guangxi RSG sparetime schools at the basic level are few and vocational coaches are not enough, which need more support on policy and economy so as to promote the development of Guangxi RSG sparetime schools and maintain the advantages of qualified athletes in terms of RSG.
Sport Science and Technology
Guangxi, Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics, Sparetime school, Development