地藏堂贞二关于《儒林外史》语言“异质”的说法是难以成立的 ,因为地文考察卧本的语言不宜由现代汉语的观点出发 ,且其“现代汉语观点”本身也欠准确。此外 ,地文将传抄刻印的错误以及北方官话和极少数下江官话词语在书中共现的现象视作异质成分 。
Teiji Jizodo's idea about language variants in The Scholars is unacceptable, for this work can not be studied from the perspective of modern Chinese. Besides, his 'modern Chinese Theory' is not to the point. And it's not proper to take those printing mistakes and coexistence of a few words from two dialects as variants.
Journal of Yangtze University(Social Sciences Edition)