
初中学生类别建构中的知识效应研究 被引量:1

摘要 采用类别建构的实验范式,选取具有家族相似性结构的人工类别材料,考察了已有知识对初中学生类别建构的影响。实验结果表明,当类别特征能够在已有知识的基础上形成主题时,初中学生倾向于按主题建构类别,而且在主题愈突出时这种趋势愈为明显;并且,主题性质对不同领域材料的类别建构的影响是一致的。 Using category-construction paradigm, this experiment was designed to examine the knowledge effects of the junior high school students' unsupervised category learning with artificial categories in family resemblance. The results suggest that the subjects would rather construct category by themes than by appearance similarity if parts of the category features can be related to one theme on the basis of prior knowledge, and the more the knowledge-related features exist in category, the more the children categorize by themes. In addition, the results show that domain specificity of artificial categories has no effect on children's category construction.
出处 《心理与行为研究》 2003年第4期283-287,共5页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 教育部十五规划基金01JAXLX009项目资助
关键词 初中学生 类别建构 知识效应 junior high school students, category construction, knowledge effects.
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