讨论了怎样用 VB 实现考试系统最基本的功能。这些功能(模块)包括,登录:根据数据库中考生的资料核对登录者录入的身份;产生随机题号:随机产生各类型题库中不重复的题号;考试:按照随机题号从数据库中抽题放到答题界面上,记录答题结果;阅卷:根据标准答案与答题结果比较计分,把成绩写入考生成绩表。写出了上述功能(模块)的关键程序。
It is discussed how to design an exam system by VB.Basic function of an exam system is the followings. Registration:identity input by registers is checked according to examinee material in database.Generation of some random question numbers:unduplicated numbers of examination questions are randomly generated.Test:testing questions drawn out from test database according to random numbers of test questions are arranged on test interface and answers of examinees are recorded.Grade:grades are given according to answers compared to standard answers of test database and the results are in- put to examinees'grade reports.The key programs of the above are given in this paper.
Journal of Baotou Vocational & Technical College