Reachability-based analysis and temporal analysis are used to verify the properties of concurrent systems, and it is important to exploit fast and efficient methods. This paper gives semantics of temporal formulae with edges of the transition system of Petri net, and then presents a fast temporal analyzing method, which takes advantage of both Petri net and temporal logic. The method only expands a path of equivalence trace while the path does not satisfy a property according to trace semantics of Petri net, and can validate directly the property on Petri net. Moreover, we exploit a minimal degree of in-out of a node as heuristics to select a path of an equivalence trace. Finally, we demonstrate the validity of the method that decreases state spaces and improves the verification system with the experimental results.
Reachability-based analysis and temporal analysis are used to verify the properties of concurrent systems, and it is important to exploit fast and efficient methods. This paper gives semantics of temporal formulae with edges of the transition system of Petri net, and then presents a fast temporal analyzing method, which takes advantage of both Petri net and temporal logic. The method only expands a path of equivalence trace while the path does not satisfy a property according to trace semantics of Petri net, and can validate directly the property on Petri net. Moreover, we exploit a minimal degree of in-out of a node as heuristics to select a path of an equivalence trace. Finally, we demonstrate the validity of the method that decreases state spaces and improves the verification system with the experimental results.
SupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina ( 90 10 40 0 5,6 6 9730 34)