
广西十万大山蕨叶蜂四新种(膜翅目:蕨叶蜂科) 被引量:3

New Species of Fern Sawflies from Mt. Shiwandashan,Guangxi (Hymenoptera: Selandriidae)
摘要  记述采自广西壮族自治区十万大山的4个蕨叶蜂科新种:结铗平缝叶蜂NesoselandrianodalisaWeisp.nov.和黄肩侧齿叶蜂NeostrombocerosxantholimusWeisp.nov.,隶属于蕨叶蜂亚科(Selandriinae);大窝七节叶蜂HeptamelusfoveatusWeisp.nov.,隶属于七节叶蜂亚科(Heptamelinae);黑角异齿叶蜂NiasnocanigroflagellaWeisp.nov.,隶属于长背叶蜂亚科(Strongylo-gasterinae).模式标本保存于中南林学院昆虫模式标本室. Four new species of Selandriidae from Mt. Shiwandashan, Guangxi, China are described: Nesoselandria nodalisa Wei sp. nov. and Neostromboceros xantholimus Wei sp. nov. belonging to Subfamily Selandriinae, Heptamelus foveatus Wei sp. nov. belonging to Heptamelinae, Niasnoca nigroflagella Wei sp. nov. belonging to Strongylogasterinae. The type materials are deposited in the Insect Collection of Central South Forestry University, Hunan, China. Nesoselandria nodalisa Wei sp. nov. Fig. 1Body length 3.5~4.0 mm; black, ventral parts of scape and pedicellum, palpi, posterior corner of pronotum, tegula, ventral part of abdomen and middle triangular maculae on tergites 2~5 yellow white. Body impunctate. Malar space linear, postocellar area 2 times broader than long, lateral furrows straight and divergent backwards. Anal cell in hind wing petiolate. Male and female genitalia as shown in Fig.1. This new species is closely allied to Nesoselandria javana (Enslin) but differs from it in dorsal parts of scape and pedicellum blackish brown, tergites 2~6 with distinct middle triangular pale spots, harpes short, gonolacinia narrower and volcella with a small caudal process.Holotype: ♀, paratypes: 6♀♀1♂, Shiwandashan Forest Park, Guangxi, China, Feb. 25, 2002. Huang Ningting (Central South Forestry University). Neostromboceros xantholimus Wei sp. nov. Fig. 2Body length 7 mm; black without metallic tinge, labrum, broad margin of pronotum, tegula, parapterum, apex of each coxa, trochanters, wide apical ring of each femur, most part of each tibia white. Wing hyaline. Body impunctate except for the posterior margin of scutellum. Clypeus truncate at apex, lateral fovea double, malar space linear. Antenna not compressed with the third segment slightly longer than the fourth one. Prepectal furrow fine. Claw with basal lobe, inner tooth shorter than outer tooth. Sheath very narrow in dorsal view. Apical half of lancet as shown in Fig. 2.This new species is a member of nipponicus group of the genus and differs from other known species of the group in tegula entirely white, each femur with a broad yellow ring at apex, middle fovea transverse and sheath very narrow in dorsal view.Holotype: ♀, Shiwandashan Forest Park, Guangxi, China, Feb. 25,2002.Huang Ningting (Central South Forestry University). Heptamelus foveatus Wei sp. nov. Fig. 3Body length 4 mm. Black, scape, pedicellum most part of the third antennal segment, tegula, posterior part of prescutum, most of scutum, sternites largely and legs yellow white. Wing subhyaline. Mesopleuron with large and sparse punctures, posttergite with a few punctures, body otherwise impunctate. Malar space linear, clypeus about 2 times broader than long with distinct lateral teeth; middle fovea quite large and deep, lateral fovea indistinct; postocellar area broader than long with divergent lateral furrows. Vein R+M shorter than 1m-cu; petiole of hind anal cell about as long as cua, cell Rs small and cell M larger than cell 2Rs of front wing. Genitalia as shown in Fig. 3.Holotype: ♂, Shiwandashan Forest Park, Guangxi, China, Feb. 16,2002.Huang Ningting (Central South Forestry University). Niasnoca nigroflagella Wei sp. nov. Fig. 4Body length 6.0 mm. Body black, palpi, labrum, scape, posterior corner of pronotum, tegula, parapterum, cenchri white, sternites 2~5 yellow white; legs white, apical fourth of hind tibia with its tibial spurs black. Wings hyaline, stigma and veins black. Body almost polished, strongly shining. Malar space absent, occipital carina short, frontal wall distinct but wide open anteriorly.Genitalia as shown in Fig. 4. This new species differs from the type of the genus, the only other known species of the genus, in antenna short and flagellum entirely black, clypeus and mesoscutellum black, legs white with apical part of hind tibia black only. Holotype: ♂, Shiwandashan Forest Park, Guangxi, China, Feb. 26, 2002.Huang Ningting (Central South Forestry University).
出处 《中南林业科技大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第4期18-21,共4页 Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金第39870609和第30070627项课题资助项目.
关键词 膜翅目 蕨叶蜂科 新种 中国广西 Hymenoptera Selandriidae new species Guangxi of China
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